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Find the Volume of the cylinder. use 3.14 for pi.

Diameter of 34 M

height of 27 M

Volume = pi * r^2 * h

Vol = 24513.85

Radius = 17
height = 27


To find the volume of a cylinder, you need to use the formula V = πr²h, where V is the volume, π is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14, r is the radius, and h is the height of the cylinder.

First, we need to find the radius of the cylinder. The diameter of the cylinder is given as 34 meters. The radius is half the diameter, so we can calculate the radius as r = 34 / 2 = 17 meters.

Next, we can substitute the values into the formula to calculate the volume:
V = 3.14 * (17)² * 27

To solve this, follow the order of operations: first square the radius, then multiply it by π (3.14), and finally multiply the product by the height. Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Calculate the square of the radius:
r² = 17² = 289

2. Multiply the squared radius by π:
289 * 3.14 = 908.46

3. Multiply the result by the height:
908.46 * 27 = 24,512.42

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 24,512.42 cubic meters.