A restaurant offers a 13% discount on chicken wings on Mondays. If Travis

eats $7.95 worth of chicken wings on Friday, how much would those wings cost
on Monday?

i don't understand this

Heather/Natalie/Victoria -- please use the same name for your posts.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

ok but i don't know how to do this...

would you do 7.95*0.13?

is it 1.0335 and then round up?

That will tell you how much the discount is.

Subtract the product from 7.95 to find what Travis will pay on Monday.

thank you so much!

You're welcome.

To calculate the cost of the chicken wings on Monday with the 13% discount, we need to first find the original price.

Let's assume that the original price of the chicken wings is represented by "x".

Now, we know that Travis ate $7.95 worth of chicken wings on Friday. This means that the amount he paid on Friday is the same as the original price, represented by "x".

But on Monday, there is a 13% discount on the chicken wings. In other words, Travis will pay 87% of the original price.

To find the cost on Monday, we need to multiply the original price by 87% (or 0.87):

0.87x = $7.95

To find the value of "x", divide both sides of the equation by 0.87:

x = $7.95 / 0.87

By performing this calculation, we can determine the original price of the chicken wings.