In the American civil service system, workers are hired on the basis of (Points : 1)

partisan politics.
test taking ability.



In the American civil service system, workers are hired on the basis of merit. Merit means that individuals are selected for employment based on their qualifications, skills, and abilities to perform the job duties effectively and efficiently.

To determine an applicant's merit, a typical process involves a competitive examination or assessment, where candidates are evaluated based on their knowledge, experience, and performance. This examination can be in the form of a written test, oral interview, or practical demonstration, depending on the requirements of the position.

The purpose of hiring based on merit is to ensure fairness, transparency, and the selection of the most qualified individuals for civil service positions. This helps to minimize favoritism, nepotism, and other forms of political influence in the hiring process.

Partisan politics, loyalty, or test-taking ability are not considered as primary criteria for hiring in the American civil service system. While there may be other factors that influence the hiring process, such as interviews and references, the focus remains on assessing an individual's competence and qualifications for the position.