a. What sentence is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

Usually the topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph.

Choose one of the prompts listed below. Write a five-sentence paragraph using

chronological order to explain the steps that you would take to complete the task
you select

I don't see any prompts.

To determine the topic sentence of a paragraph, you need to analyze the main idea or central focus of the paragraph. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph and introduces the main idea or subject that will be discussed in the following sentences.

To find the topic sentence, read through the paragraph and look for the sentence that introduces the main idea or sums up the content of the paragraph. It may provide an overview or a general statement about the paragraph's subject.

Without the specific paragraph in question, I cannot identify the exact sentence that serves as the topic sentence. However, I can assist you in analyzing a paragraph's content to help you identify the topic sentence if you provide the paragraph for consideration.