They keep the files in the designated file room.

I need a better way to clarify this sentence

Files are kept in a designated file room.

To find where files are kept in a designated file room, you would typically follow these steps:

1. Find the designated file room: In an office or organization, the file room is usually located in a specific area or marked with signs. Ask someone familiar with the organization or refer to any guidelines or facility maps available.

2. Look for file cabinets or shelves: Once you're in the file room, files are commonly stored in file cabinets or on shelves. These cabinets and shelves might be categorized by different criteria such as department, year, or topic.

3. Organize the files: Files should be arranged systematically within the cabinets or shelves for easier access. They might be sorted by alphabetical order, numerical order, date, or any other relevant classification system.

4. Search for specific files: Identify the category or topic of the file you are looking for, and then search within the appropriate section of the file room. Scan the labels or markings on the file cabinets or shelves, looking for relevant keywords or codes that match the file you need.

5. Retrieve the file: Once you locate the section where the file should be, examine the files within that section to find the specific one you are looking for. Files could be stored in folders, envelopes, or boxes, depending on the organization's preference.

Remember, practices for file organization can vary across different organizations, so it's always best to refer to any specific guidelines or ask someone familiar with the particular file room's organization.