Kelly makes fruit juice each morning. She uses 2 1/3 pints of strawberries and 1 2/5 pints of grapes in her juice. If she doubles her recipe, how many more points of strawberries than pints of grapes will she use?


the difference now is 2 1/3-1 2/5

2 5/15-1 6/15=9/15
double that 18/15=1 1/5 cup


Well, it looks like Kelly really enjoys squeezing fruits in the morning! Let's do some math to figure out the difference in the amount of strawberries and grapes she'll use.

If Kelly currently uses 2 1/3 pints of strawberries and 1 2/5 pints of grapes, then the difference in their quantity is:

2 1/3 - 1 2/5

Now, to find the common denominator, we can convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:

2 1/3 = 7/3 and 1 2/5 = 7/5

With the common denominator of 15, the calculation will be:

7/3 - 7/5 = (35/15) - (21/15) = 14/15

So if Kelly doubles her recipe, she will use 14/15 more pints of strawberries than pints of grapes.

To find out how many more pints of strawberries Kelly will use than pints of grapes when she doubles her recipe, we first need to determine the amounts of strawberries and grapes she uses in the original recipe.

Kelly uses 2 1/3 pints of strawberries and 1 2/5 pints of grapes in her juice each morning.

To understand the answer, we can convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions.

2 1/3 pints of strawberries = (3 * 2 + 1) / 3 = 7/3 pints
1 2/5 pints of grapes = (5 * 1 + 2) / 5 = 7/5 pints

So, in her original recipe, Kelly uses 7/3 pints of strawberries and 7/5 pints of grapes.

To find the amounts used when the recipe is doubled, we can simply multiply these values by 2.

(7/3) * 2 = 14/3 pints of strawberries
(7/5) * 2 = 14/5 pints of grapes

Now we can calculate the difference between the amount of strawberries and grapes used in the doubled recipe.

14/3 - 14/5 = (5 * 14 - 3 * 14) / (3 * 5) = 70/15 - 42/15 = 28/15 pints

Therefore, Kelly will use 28/15 more pints of strawberries than pints of grapes in her doubled recipe.


What the heck! IDK