Write the pseudocode for a method that receives as input the cost of a meal, and then adds a 9% tax rate, and then outputs a 15% tip on top of the price+tax

Pseudocode is almost like human language

input billed_amount;
amount_with_tax=billed_amount * 1.09
output total

To calculate the total cost of a meal including tax and tip, you can follow this pseudocode:

1. Start by defining a function or method, let's call it calculateTotalCost, that takes the cost of the meal as input.

2. Inside the method, calculate the tax amount by multiplying the cost by 0.09 (9%). Let's store this value in a variable named tax.

3. Calculate the tip amount by adding the cost and tax, and then multiplying by 0.15 (15%). Store this value in a variable named tip.

4. Calculate the total cost of the meal (including tax and tip) by adding the cost, tax, and tip together. Assign this value to a variable named totalCost.

5. Return the totalCost variable as the output of the method.

Here's the pseudocode:

function calculateTotalCost(cost)
tax = cost * 0.09
tip = (cost + tax) * 0.15
totalCost = cost + tax + tip
return totalCost
end function

You can use this pseudocode as a reference to implement the method in your programming language of choice.