the cost of a student ticket to the schools play is $7. write an equation that correctly relates the cost,c,for particular number of student tickets,s,purchased indetify the independent and dependent variables (3 Points) Please help

c = 7s

For your variables, determine what causes what.

An independent variable is the potential stimulus or cause, usually directly manipulated by the experimenter, so it could also be called a manipulative variable.

A dependent variable is the response or measure of results.

To write an equation that relates the cost, C, for a particular number of student tickets, s, purchased, we can use the formula:

C = s * 7

In this equation, s represents the number of student tickets purchased, and the value of s is the independent variable. The cost, C, is dependent on the number of student tickets purchased, s. Each student ticket costs $7, so we multiply the number of tickets purchased, s, by 7 to calculate the total cost.

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