In 2009, Ford sold 4,817,000 new vehicles worldwide. This represents a 28.32% decrease over the number of new vehicles sold by Ford in 2003. Use this information to find the number of new vehicles sold by Ford in 2003.

*show work please, thank you

100 - 28.32 = 71.68

4,817,000 * 0.7168 = ?

To find the number of new vehicles sold by Ford in 2003, we can use the information given about the percentage decrease between 2009 and 2003.

Let's denote the number of new vehicles sold by Ford in 2003 as X.

We know that the number of new vehicles sold by Ford in 2009 is 4,817,000, and this represents a 28.32% decrease from the number sold in 2003.

We can set up the equation:

X - 28.32% of X = 4,817,000

To find 28.32% of X, we multiply X by the decimal equivalent of 28.32%, which is 0.2832.

So the equation becomes:

X - 0.2832X = 4,817,000

Simplifying this equation:

0.7168X = 4,817,000

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.7168:

X ≈ 6,721,915.60

Therefore, the estimated number of new vehicles sold by Ford in 2003 is approximately 6,721,916.

Please note that this is an estimation as we are working with rounded percentage values.