absolute values

solve for "x"

2|5x-5| + 4 = 20

2|5x-5| = 20-4 = 16
|5x-5| = 8
5x-5 = 8
5x = 13
X = 13/5

-(5x-5) = 8
-5x + 5 = 8
-5x = 3
X = -3/5

2|5x - 5| + 4 = 20

There are two cases here, where the absolute value term is + or -

Case 1:
10x - 10 + 4 = 20
10x - 6 = 20
10x = 26
x = 2.6

Case 2:
-10x + 10 + 4 = 20
-10x + 14 = 20
-10x = 6
x = -0.6

To solve for "x" in the equation 2|5x-5|+4=20, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract 4 from both sides of the equation:
2|5x-5| = 20 - 4
2|5x-5| = 16

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 2:
|5x-5| = 16/2
|5x-5| = 8

Step 3: Now we have an absolute value equation, which means we need to consider both the positive and negative cases. We will solve for both cases separately.

Positive case:
5x - 5 = 8
5x = 8 + 5
5x = 13
x = 13/5

Negative case:
5x - 5 = -8
5x = -8 + 5
5x = -3
x = -3/5

Therefore, the solutions for "x" in the equation 2|5x-5|+4=20 are x = 13/5 and x = -3/5.