Alonzo wants to buy a bike for $260. He can pay for it in 8 months if he pays $60 now and $25 each month. If he were to pay $60 now and $20 each month, how many more monthly payments would it take to pay for it?

To calculate how many more monthly payments would it take for Alonzo to pay for the bike if he pays $60 now and $20 each month, we need to compare the total amount paid in both scenarios.

In the first scenario, Alonzo pays $60 now and $25 each month over 8 months:
Total amount paid = $60 + $25 x 8 = $60 + $200 = $260.

In the second scenario, Alonzo pays $60 now and $20 each month:
Let's assume the number of additional payments needed is denoted by "x."
Total amount paid = $60 + $20 x x.

Since both scenarios result in the same total amount paid for the bike ($260), we can set up the following equation:

$260 = $60 + $20 x x.

Now, we can solve for "x":

$260 - $60 = $20x
$200 = $20x

Dividing both sides of the equation by $20:

$200 / $20 = x
10 = x

Therefore, Alonzo would need to make 10 more monthly payments of $20 each to pay for the bike in the second scenario.

To determine how many more monthly payments it would take for Alonzo to pay for the bike if he pays $60 now and $20 each month, we first need to find out how much he would have left to pay after 8 months.

Given that Alonzo pays $60 now and $25 each month for 8 months, we can calculate the total amount he pays in 8 months:

Total amount paid in 8 months = $60 (initial payment) + ($25 * 8 months)
Total amount paid in 8 months = $60 + $200
Total amount paid in 8 months = $260

Since the bike costs $260 in total and Alonzo has already paid this amount in 8 months, he would have nothing left to pay if he continues paying $25 each month.

Now, let's find out how many more monthly payments it would take for Alonzo to pay for the bike if he pays $60 now and $20 each month.

Total amount paid in X months = $60 (initial payment) + ($20 * X months)

Since the total amount paid in X months should equal $260, we can set up the equation:

$60 + ($20 * X) = $260

Let's solve this equation for X:

$20 * X = $260 - $60
$20 * X = $200

Divide both sides of the equation by $20 to isolate X:

X = $200 / $20
X = 10

Therefore, if Alonzo were to pay $60 now and $20 each month, it would take him 10 more monthly payments to pay for the bike.