What were some propaganda works of art in Baroque and Rococo periods?

What does your text say? Generally, painters in the employ of rulers (doges, princes,, etc.) painted subjects that made the employer look good. That's where I would look for propagandistic works. But read your text materials.

During the Baroque and Rococo periods, art was often used as a means of propaganda to convey various political, religious, and social messages. Some notable examples of propaganda works of art from these periods include:

1. Triumph of the Church - In Baroque art, the Catholic Church used grand religious paintings to assert its authority and promote Catholic doctrine. These artworks often depicted scenes of religious triumph, such as the triumph of the Church over heresy or the victory of angels and saints over demons.

To find specific examples of propagandistic religious paintings from the Baroque period, you can search for keywords like "Baroque religious propaganda paintings" or look for famous Baroque artists known for their religious works, such as Caravaggio, Peter Paul Rubens, or Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

2. Portraits of Monarchs and Noble Figures - In both the Baroque and Rococo periods, rulers and the aristocracy commissioned portraits to project their wealth, power, and social status. These portraits served as propaganda by promoting their authority and legitimacy.

To explore propaganda portraits from these periods, you can search for keywords like "Baroque propaganda portraits" or "Rococo portraits of rulers." Artists like Anthony van Dyck, Diego Velázquez, and Jean-Antoine Watteau created many notable portraits during these periods.

3. Grandiose Architectural Commissions - The Baroque and Rococo periods saw a proliferation of monumental architectural projects sponsored by powerful patrons. These structures, such as palaces, churches, and public buildings, often showcased the wealth, magnificence, and grandeur of the ruling class or the Church.

To discover propaganda works of architectural art from these periods, you can search for specific structures like "Baroque propaganda architecture" or "Rococo palaces." Examples include the Palace of Versailles in France, St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, or the Escorial in Spain.

In summary, to find specific examples of propaganda works of art from the Baroque and Rococo periods, you can search for keywords related to religious paintings, portraits of rulers or nobility, or grand architectural projects associated with the ruling class or the Church.