Harold Lasswell defined politics as (

who gets what, when, and how.”

If that's what your text materials say, go with it. I'm not familiar with Lasswell, but that's a good description of politics.

Harold Lasswell, an American political scientist, defined politics as "who gets what, when, and how." This definition captures the essence of politics by focusing on the distribution of power, resources, and decision-making authority within a society. To understand the context and meaning of this definition, it is helpful to explore Lasswell's ideas and methods for studying politics.

To get a deeper understanding of Lasswell's definition of politics, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Harold Lasswell: Gain knowledge about Harold Lasswell as a political scientist. Understand his background, notable works, and contributions to the field of political science. This will provide insights into his perspectives and influences that shaped his definition.

2. Study Lasswell's Work: Familiarize yourself with Lasswell's writings to analyze his concept of politics in more detail. Key works to explore include "Politics: Who Gets What, When, How" (1936), which discusses his definition, and his other publications on power, propaganda, and political psychology.

3. Analyze the Definition: Break down Lasswell's definition into its essential components to fully grasp its meaning. "Who" refers to the individuals, groups, or institutions involved in political processes. "Gets what" pertains to the allocation and distribution of resources, benefits, and outcomes. "When" addresses the timing and sequence of obtaining these resources, and "how" delves into the methods, strategies, and mechanisms involved in the political process.

4. Contextualize Lasswell's Definition: Consider the historical and social context in which Lasswell formulated his definition. Reflect on the political climate at that time, including ongoing events and theoretical debates. This will help you understand the motivations and intentions behind his definition, and how it contributed to shaping the field of political science.

5. Explore Criticisms and Alternatives: As with any definition, Lasswell's perspective on politics has faced criticisms and alternative viewpoints. Investigate different criticisms offered by scholars and thinkers over time, as well as alternative definitions of politics proposed by other political scientists. This broader understanding will provide a more comprehensive view of the concept.

By following these steps, you can fully comprehend Harold Lasswell's definition of politics and its significance within the study of political science.