Liberalism rests in a conception of equality whereby the government (Points : 1)

must not choose one person’s good over another.
must ensure that we all have the same possessions.
must provide everybody with healthcare.
must redistribute wealth in order to achieve fairness.

must not choose one person’s good over another.


The liberal concept of equality states that the government must not choose one person's good over another. This means that the government should not prioritize the interests or benefits of one individual or group over another. Instead, liberals believe in ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities and rights to pursue their own goals and interests.

It is important to note that liberalism does not necessarily advocate for everyone having the same possessions. While liberals believe in equal opportunity and equal rights, they also recognize that individuals have different talents, abilities, and circumstances. Therefore, liberals generally support a system where people can accumulate possessions and wealth based on their own efforts and investments, as long as it does not harm others or create unfair advantages.

The idea of providing everybody with healthcare is not necessarily a core principle of liberalism. While some liberals may support universal healthcare as a means to ensure equal access to healthcare services, it is not an inherent requirement of liberalism.

Similarly, the concept of redistributing wealth to achieve fairness is not a fundamental principle of liberalism. While some liberals may argue for progressive taxation or social welfare programs to reduce inequality and promote social justice, it is not a universal belief among all liberals.

In summary, the key principle of liberalism is that the government should not favor any individual or group over others. Instead, it should strive to create a fair and equal society where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their own goals and interests.