This does not make sense, can you help. The wound was then closed using a 2-0 Vicryl in the subcutaneous tissue and 4-0 Vicryl in a running subcuticular stitch, further, (a dressing) for for the Steri-Strip, Xeroform gauze dressing sponges in film tape

The wound was then closed using a 2-0 Vicryl in the subcutaneous tissue <~~in a layer of tissue that's under the skin?

and 4-0 Vicryl in a running subcuticular stitch,
again, deeper than skin level?

further, (a dressing) for for the Steri-Strip, Xeroform gauze dressing sponges in film tape <~~Are these referring to dressings AT the skin level after the subcutaneous tissue has been repaired?

I think so. This is the real sentence I am having issues with:

a dressing for the Steri-Strip, Xeroform gauze dressing sponges in film tape.
I am not sure if Steri-Strip Xeroform guaze is all one thing or should be split with a comma after Steri-Strip? Also I have never heard of Xeroform gauze dressing sponges in film tape. Does this even exist. I think I am hearing something wrong.

Certainly! It seems like you are encountering a sentence with medical terms that may be confusing. Let me break it down for you:

1. "The wound was then closed using a 2-0 Vicryl in the subcutaneous tissue and 4-0 Vicryl in a running subcuticular stitch": This part describes the method used to close the wound. Vicryl refers to a type of surgical suture material. The numbers (2-0 and 4-0) indicate the size of the sutures, where smaller numbers represent thicker sutures. The subcutaneous tissue refers to the layer of tissue beneath the skin. A running subcuticular stitch is a type of stitching technique that runs beneath the skin surface.

2. "(a dressing) for the Steri-Strip, Xeroform gauze dressing sponges in film tape": This part refers to the dressing applied after closing the wound. Steri-Strip is a brand of adhesive strips used to hold the wound edges together. Xeroform gauze dressing sponges are sterile gauze sponges that are coated with a petrolatum-based dressing called Xeroform. Film tape is a type of adhesive tape used to secure the dressing.

In summary, the sentence describes the closure of a wound using sutures, specifically, a thicker suture size (2-0) in the layer beneath the skin and a thinner suture size (4-0) in a type of stitch that runs beneath the surface of the skin. The wound is then covered with Steri-Strips, Xeroform gauze dressing sponges, and film tape.