On a multiple choice exam with 25 questions, the instructor scored the exams as follows: 4 points for each correct answer, -1 for each blank answer, and -6 for each wrong answer. What was the score of a student who had 14 correct answers, 3 blank answers, and 8 answers?

(4)(14)+(-1)(3)+(-6)(8) = 56-3-48 = 5

Pretty grim score, eh?

To calculate the student's score, we need to follow the given scoring system. We'll need to determine the number of correct, blank, and wrong answers before proceeding.

- Number of correct answers: 14
- Number of blank answers: 3
- Number of wrong answers: 8

Scoring system:
- For each correct answer: 4 points
- For each blank answer: -1 point
- For each wrong answer: -6 points

Let's calculate the score step by step:

1. Correct answers: 14 * 4 = 56 points

2. Blank answers: 3 * (-1) = -3 points

3. Wrong answers: 8 * (-6) = -48 points

Now, let's sum up the points for a final score:

Final score = (Points from correct answers) + (Points from blank answers) + (Points from wrong answers)
= 56 + (-3) + (-48)
= 56 - 3 - 48
= 53 - 48
= 5

Therefore, the score of the student is 5 points.