Which of the following would you find in the new English and Language Arts curriculum guidelines?

A: An oral language program only at the primary grades
B: A phonics program at all grades
C: A writing program at all grades
D: A study of core literacy works only in junior high

This is unanswerable unless you can define "the new ... "

Newer than what?
Particular to what state or county or district?

Are you asking about he new "core curriculum" guidelines? Or what, as Wroteacher has asked?

Yes. Im asking about the new cire curriculum.


You should start reading.

Thank you for your help..

You're welcome.

To determine what would be found in the new English and Language Arts curriculum guidelines, you would typically need to access the official documents or publications that outline these guidelines. These documents may be available on educational websites, government websites, or through educational institutions.

If you have access to these guidelines, you can review the content within them to determine which of the options listed would be included.

In the absence of specific information about the guidelines, it is challenging to provide a definitive answer. However, the following information might provide some context:

A: An oral language program only at the primary grades: It is possible that oral language development could be included as a component of the curriculum guidelines for primary grades. Strong oral language skills are important for building a foundation for reading, writing, and communication.

B: A phonics program at all grades: Phonics instruction is commonly included in early elementary grades to teach students the relationship between letter sounds and written language. However, the extent to which phonics instruction is included in the curriculum guidelines for all grades would depend on the specific guidelines.

C: A writing program at all grades: Writing skills are typically considered fundamental in language arts education. It is likely that the curriculum guidelines would include a focus on writing at all grade levels, with increasing complexity and expectations as students progress.

D: A study of core literacy works only in junior high: The inclusion of a study of core literacy works (such as classic novels, plays, and poems) might vary in the curriculum guidelines. While the study of literary works is common in English curricula, it is difficult to determine if this would exclusively be limited to junior high.

To obtain a definitive answer, it is recommended to consult the official English and Language Arts curriculum guidelines for your specific region or educational institution.