2 apples and 2 mangoes cost as 5 apples and 1 mango. Each mango cost $2.40 Find the cost of 1 apple.

How to do this question? Please help me.

2a + 2m = 5a + m

so m = 3a

if 3a = m and m = 2.40
3a = 2.4
a = .8

So each apple costs 80 cents, and a mango $2.40

2apples + 2 mango = 1.60 + 4.80 = 6.40
5apples + 1 mango = 4.00 + 2.40 = 6.40
yes, they are equal
My answer is correct

Thank you!!!!

To solve this question, we can use algebra to set up an equation.

Let's assume the cost of 1 apple is 'A' dollars.

According to the problem, 2 apples and 2 mangoes cost as much as 5 apples and 1 mango. We can write this information as:

2A + 2(2.40) = 5A + 2.40

Now, let's simplify this equation:

2A + 4.80 = 5A + 2.40

Next, we want to isolate the 'A' variable on one side of the equation. To do this, we can subtract 2A from both sides:

4.80 = 3A + 2.40

Next, let's isolate the '3A' term by subtracting 2.40 from both sides:

4.80 - 2.40 = 3A

2.40 = 3A

Now, divide both sides by 3 to solve for 'A':

2.40 / 3 = A

A ≈ 0.80

Therefore, the cost of 1 apple is approximately $0.80.