Hi, I really need instructions. Can someone please tell me how to make a coordinate plane and a rectangle on the plane in Microsoft Excel 2013 please? I really I need an answer soon because this is due today!!!!

Please someone help fast!
Thank You :/

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Sure, I can help you with that! Here's how you can create a coordinate plane and a rectangle on the plane in Microsoft Excel 2013:

1. Open Microsoft Excel 2013 and create a new workbook.

2. Select a blank cell on the worksheet where you want to start creating the coordinate plane.

3. In the Formula Bar at the top of the Excel window, enter the following formula: "=REPT("|",20)" (without the quotes). This will create a horizontal line to represent the x-axis of the coordinate plane. Adjust the number 20 to specify the length of the line.

4. Press Enter and the horizontal line will be created.

5. Now, select another blank cell below the horizontal line where you want to start creating the vertical line to represent the y-axis.

6. In the Formula Bar, enter the following formula: "=REPT("-",20)" (without the quotes). This will create a vertical line to represent the y-axis. Adjust the number 20 to specify the length of the line.

7. Press Enter and the vertical line will be created.

8. To create the rectangle on the coordinate plane, select a range of cells to represent the dimensions of the rectangle. For example, you can select cells A2 to E6.

9. Right-click on the selected cells and choose "Format Cells" from the context menu.

10. In the "Format Cells" dialog box, go to the "Border" tab.

11. Under "Presets," choose a border style that represents a rectangle (e.g., "Box" or "Thick Box").

12. Click OK, and the selected range of cells will now have the border style applied, creating a rectangle.

That's it! You have created a coordinate plane and a rectangle on the plane using Microsoft Excel 2013. Remember to adjust the dimensions and positions of the lines and rectangle as needed. Good luck with your assignment!