Please help me translate the following in Spanish!: 1. I speak to you. 2. She gives her mom a gift. And 3. The doctor gives you a prescription.

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me lammo breanna yo soy espanol

1. yo ablo con tigo

2. aya da su mama una regalu
3. El medico dado a te una prescreptioun

And just a PS Breanna you said you are Spanish. like you are a language. if you want to say I know Spanish you say yo sabo espaniol. if you want to say you are Spanish or spanian or whatever you sy yo soy de espania. Espania because Spanish is originated from spain.

Sure! Here are the translations in Spanish:

1. I speak to you.
Translation: Yo te hablo.

To translate this sentence, you can follow these steps:
- Identify the subject. In this case, it is "I", which translates to "Yo" in Spanish.
- Determine the verb. Here, the verb is "speak", which translates to "hablo" in Spanish.
- Identify the indirect object. In this sentence, it is "you" (referring to one person), which translates to "te" in Spanish.

2. She gives her mom a gift.
Translation: Ella le da un regalo a su mamá.

To translate this sentence, you can follow these steps:
- Identify the subject. In this case, it is "She" which translates to "Ella" in Spanish.
- Determine the verb. Here, the verb is "gives", which translates to "da" in Spanish.
- Identify the indirect object. In this sentence, it is "her mom", which translates to "su mamá" in Spanish.
- Identify the direct object. It is "a gift", which translates to "un regalo" in Spanish.

3. The doctor gives you a prescription.
Translation: El doctor te da una receta.

To translate this sentence, you can follow these steps:
- Identify the subject. In this case, it is "The doctor", which translates to "El doctor" in Spanish.
- Determine the verb. Here, the verb is "gives", which translates to "da" in Spanish.
- Identify the indirect object. In this sentence, it is "you" (referring to one person), which translates to "te" in Spanish.
- Identify the direct object. It is "a prescription", which translates to "una receta" in Spanish.