
this describes a line.

what else do you need to know?

To solve the equation 15x - 12y = 96, we need to find values for x and y that satisfy this equation.

Step 1: Rearrange the equation in terms of one variable. We can choose either x or y to solve for. Let's solve for x.

15x - 12y = 96
15x = 12y + 96
x = (12y + 96)/15

Step 2: Now we have the equation in terms of x. We can substitute any values for y, and find the corresponding values for x.

For example, let's find the values when y = 0:

x = (12(0) + 96)/15
x = 96/15
x = 6.4

So, when y = 0, x = 6.4.

Similarly, we can choose different values for y and calculate the corresponding values for x.

Note: The equation represents a line on the x-y plane. Each pair of values (x, y) that satisfies the equation will lie on this line.