1.1 The gametophyte generation in a fern plant changes to the sporophyte generation by A.fertilisation B.melosis C.asexual reproduction D.fusion of spores the answer is A.fertilisation right? 1.2 the male cone differs from the female cone in the pine in that A.only the male cone bears ovules B.the male cone are small and clustered C.the female cone are smaller than the male cones D.male cones have a three year duration the answer is B.the male cones are small and clustered right?

1.1 The correct answer is actually D. fusion of spores.

In fern plants, the gametophyte generation produces male and female gametes (sperm and eggs) through mitosis. These gametes are released into the environment and need to find each other for fertilization to occur. When the sperm reaches the egg, they fuse together to form a zygote, which then develops into the sporophyte generation. The sporophyte generation is the diploid phase of the fern's life cycle and is the dominant phase in fern plants.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the life cycle of a fern and how the sporophyte generation is derived from the gametophyte generation.

1.2 The correct answer is B. the male cones are small and clustered.

In pine trees, the male cones (also known as pollen cones) and female cones (also known as seed cones) are found on the same tree, but they have distinct differences in appearance and function. The male cones produce and release pollen grains, which contain the male gametes (sperm cells). These cones are usually small and clustered together. On the other hand, the female cones contain the ovules, which are the structures where the female gametes (egg cells) will be fertilized by the male gametes. The female cones are generally larger and have a different shape compared to the male cones.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the differences between male and female cones in pine trees and their respective functions in the reproduction process.

1.1 The correct answer is not A. fertilization. The gametophyte generation in a fern plant changes to the sporophyte generation through the process of C. asexual reproduction.

1.2 The correct answer is B. The male cones are small and clustered.