if m<1= 43°, what is m<4?

(<= angle sign)
can i please get an explanation? im lost

To determine the measure of angle <4, we need some information about the relationship between angle <1 and angle <4. Without that information, we cannot directly determine the measure of angle <4. Could you provide any additional context or information?

To find the measure of angle 4 (m<4), we need to understand the relationship between angle 1 (m<1) and angle 4.

If angle 1 (m<1) is 43°, we need additional information about the diagram or specific angle relationships to determine the measure of angle 4.

If the angles 1 and 4 are corresponding angles, then they are congruent, and m<4 would also be 43°.

If the angles 1 and 4 are alternate interior angles, then they are congruent, and m<4 would also be 43°.

If the angles 1 and 4 are vertical angles (opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines), then they are congruent, and m<4 would also be 43°.

Without more information about the specific angle relationships in the diagram, we cannot determine the measure of angle 4 (m<4).