I tired but answers don't make since. Problem is segment CD is perpendicular bisector of segment AB. Need to find lengths of AC (9y-6), AD (3x), and AE ((5x +6). Others: BE=(5x+ y), BD (x + 10) and CB (7y). Figure like a kite. HELPPPPPPPPPP.

Hmm, A picture would be helpful. I'm sorry, A kite could look like a diamond or a parallelogram. I would try to help, but I can't.

To find the lengths of AC, AD, and AE, let's start by understanding the given information.

We know that segment CD is the perpendicular bisector of segment AB. This means that CD splits AB into two equal halves, where each half is perpendicular to CD. In other words, segment AC is equal in length to segment BC, and segment AD is equal in length to segment BD.

We are given the following information:

AC = 9y - 6
AD = 3x
AE = 5x + 6
BE = 5x + y
BD = x + 10
CB = 7y

We can use this information to find the values of AC, AD, and AE.

Since segment CD is the perpendicular bisector of segment AB, we can set up the following equation: AC = BC.

So, we can substitute AC with BC: 9y - 6 = 7y.

Now, we can solve the equation to find the value of y:
9y - 6 = 7y
2y = 6
y = 3

Now that we have found the value of y, we can substitute it back into the given information to find the lengths of AC, AD, and AE:

AC = 9y - 6 = 9(3) - 6 = 21
AD = 3x
AE = 5x + 6

We still need to find the value of x to determine the lengths of AD and AE.

To find the value of x, we need more information or equations. If there are more equations or information available, please provide them so we can continue solving the problem.