At what altitude should a satellite be placed into circular orbit

To determine the altitude at which a satellite should be placed into a circular orbit, we first need to know the radius of the Earth (RE) and the desired orbital altitude (OA). The altitude refers to the distance above the Earth's surface.

The formula used to calculate the altitude is:

Altitude = RE + OA

The radius of the Earth is approximately 6,371 kilometers (or 3,959 miles). However, it is important to note that this value may vary slightly depending on factors such as latitude and local topography.

For example, let's say we want to find the altitude at which a satellite should be placed into a circular orbit 500 kilometers above the Earth's surface. Using the formula, we have:

Altitude = 6,371 km + 500 km
Altitude = 6,871 km

In this case, the satellite should be placed at an altitude of 6,871 kilometers above the Earth's surface in order to achieve a circular orbit.