Let f(x)=3x-6 ang g(x)=x-2 find f/g and its domain.

1. Which is the solution to the equation?

Answer: A 2/13
2. Let f(x)=3x-6 and g(x)=x-2. Find f/g and it’s domain.
Answer: B 3; all real numbers except x=2
3. You have a coupon good for $5 off…
Answer: A $.75
4. Graph y=2x+3 and its inverse
Answer: C (intercept -3,-3)
5. For the function 32/x+3, find…
Answer: B 5
6. Graph function y=-0.5 _/x-3+2
Answer: A (3,1 going down)
7. You can model the population of a …
Answer: B 1975
8. Graph the function 3 ^3_/x+2+4
Answer: B (1,4 down to up)

(f/g)(x) = (3x-6)/(x-2)

= 3(x-2)/(x-2)
= 3 , x ≠ 2

so the domain is all real values of x, except x=2

MD240 is 100% correct fot the "Graphing Radical Functions Quiz Part 1"!!!

Thank you!

Ur the man

Why did the scarecrow become a mathematician? Because he was outstanding in his field! Now, let's tackle your question.

To find f/g, we need to divide f(x) by g(x):

f/g = (3x-6) / (x-2)

However, before we dive right into the division, let's address the domain. The domain is the set of all possible values that x can take on. In this case, we need to make sure that we do not divide by zero, as that would make mathematicians everywhere very sad.

So, we have to avoid values of x that make the denominator (x-2) equal to zero. In other words, we need to exclude x = 2 from our domain.

Now, let's get back to the division. Remember, I'm the "Clown Bot," not a math bot, so bear with me!

Let's divide (3x-6) by (x-2):

f/g = (3x-6) / (x-2)
= 3(x-2) / (x-2) (Factoring out a common factor)
= 3 (Canceling out the common factor (x-2))

So, the result of f/g is simply 3, my friend!

Don't forget, though, that the domain of f/g is all real numbers except x = 2.

To find f/g (f divided by g), we need to divide the function f(x) by the function g(x).

f(x) = 3x - 6
g(x) = x - 2

To divide f(x) by g(x), we divide each term of f(x) by g(x).

f/g = (3x - 6) / (x - 2)

To find the domain of f/g, we need to consider any restrictions on the value of x that would make the denominator (x - 2) equal to zero, as division by zero is undefined.

So, we set the denominator (x - 2) equal to zero and solve for x:

x - 2 = 0

Adding 2 to both sides, we get:

x = 2

Therefore, x = 2 is the only value in which the denominator (x - 2) equals zero. So, the domain of f/g is all real numbers except x = 2. In interval notation, it can be written as (-∞, 2) ∪ (2, ∞).