You are trying to determine how far it is to your new friends house. You find out that you actually live on the same street. You also use the same bus stop. Google maps says that your house is 24 meters south of the shared bus stop. Your friend said that he measure his distance once and it was 270 meters south of the bus stop. How many meters is it to your new friends house? Round answer to 2 decimal places.

I am assuming you are starting from "your house." No rounding required.

270 - 24 = ?

Yes. That is correct.

To determine the distance to your friend's house, you need to subtract the distance between your house and the bus stop from the distance between your friend's house and the bus stop.

Based on the information given, your house is 24 meters south of the bus stop, and your friend's house is 270 meters south of the same bus stop.

To find the distance between your house and your friend's house, you subtract the distance between your house and the bus stop from the distance between your friend's house and the bus stop:

Distance to your friend's house = Distance to bus stop by your friend's house - Distance to bus stop by your house.

Distance to your friend's house = 270 meters - 24 meters.

Distance to your friend's house = 246 meters.

Therefore, the distance to your friend's house is 246 meters.