1. Which one of the following comes first in an online catalog entry?

A. Title of the book
B. Year of publication
C. Call number of the book
D. Author's last name

Student Answer: B

Answer: Incorrect

2. You've located three books on a topic you're researching for an essay. The first thing you should do in determining if any of these books will be useful is

A. study the table of contents carefully in each book.
B. browse each book from front to back.
C. examine the index of each book.
D. inspect each book jacket for notes about the author.

Student Answer: A

Answer: Incorrect

4. If a source is reasonable, we know

A. the information offered is up-to-date, factual, detailed, and precise.
B. we can trust and believe the author.
C. the information offered is fair, balanced, easy to believe, and consistent.
D. the information is universally accepted.

Student Answer: B

Answer: Incorrect

9. When beginning to research a given topic, it's important to

A. look at books on every aspect of your topic.
B. browse different types of books and Internet sites.
C. understand that quality sources can't be found online.
D. remember your topic and stay focused.

Student Answer: A

Answer: Incorrect

10. Which one of the following is an indicator that a source may not be accurate?

A. The writing is sub-par or contains errors.
B. The author is using emotionally charged language and inappropriate words or employing a tone that reveals an obvious bias.
C. You're unable to find any other source that presents the same exact information or point of view.
D. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations.

Student Answer: A

Answer: Incorrect

11. What are the three best ways to generate ideas for a writing project?

A. Searching the Internet, conducting interviews, and asking the reference librarian
B. Writing out ideas, researching support, and writing a draft
C. Writing out ideas, browsing magazines for supporting material, and conducting online research
D. Using your own experience, using others' experiences, and doing research

Student Answer: B

Answer: Incorrect

16. You're least likely to feel that an Internet source is reliable if the information is posted

A. on the website of a local university.
B. without a specific author.
C. on the United States Department of Labor website.
D. on behalf of a university department.

Student Answer: C

Answer: Incorrect

17. What's one potential problem you should keep in mind when researching information on the Internet?

A. Information found on the Internet may be unreliable.
B. Information is seldom available on the Internet.
C. Only information found using Google's search engine is credible.
D. Library databases are typically hard to access from your home computer.
check please

1D - yes

2C - yes
4C - yes
9D - no
10C - no
11C - yes
16D - yes
17A - yes

Check your text materials again. I don't always agree with online schools' answers.

I got Number 11 wrong on that question they said it was not C.

1. To determine which one of the options comes first in an online catalog entry, you can refer to the reference materials provided to you. In this case, the reference material is missing, so it's not possible to provide an accurate answer.

2. In order to determine if any of the three books will be useful for your research, you should examine the table of contents, browse the book from front to back, examine the index, and inspect the book jacket for notes about the author. However, the correct answer should be C. This information can be found in the reference material provided.

4. The correct answer should be C. To determine whether a source is reasonable, you need to assess if the information offered is fair, balanced, easy to believe, and consistent. The correct answer can be found in the reference material provided.

9. When beginning to research a given topic, it is important to browse different types of books and Internet sites, as stated in the reference material provided. Therefore, the correct answer should be B.

10. The correct answer should be B. An indicator that a source may not be accurate is when the author is using emotionally charged language, inappropriate words, or employing a tone that reveals an obvious bias. The correct answer can be found in the reference material provided.

11. The correct answer should be D. The three best ways to generate ideas for a writing project are using your own experience, using others' experiences, and doing research. The correct answer can be found in the reference material provided.

16. The correct answer should be B. You are least likely to feel that an Internet source is reliable if the information is posted without a specific author. The correct answer can be found in the reference material provided.

17. The correct answer should be A. One potential problem to keep in mind when researching information on the Internet is that the information found may be unreliable. The correct answer can be found in the reference material provided.