Describe in detail how you would prepare 500 ml of 0.1 M HCl from 6 M HCl stock solution.

See your post below.

To prepare 500 ml of 0.1 M HCl solution from a 6 M HCl stock solution, you will need to dilute the stock solution by adding a specific amount of water. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you:

Step 1: Determine the required volume of the 6 M HCl stock solution.
To calculate the volume of the stock solution needed, use the following formula:
(V1)(C1) = (V2)(C2)
V1 = Volume of stock solution needed (unknown)
C1 = Concentration of stock solution (6 M)
V2 = Final volume of desired solution (500 ml or 0.5 L)
C2 = Final concentration of desired solution (0.1 M)

Substituting the values into the formula:
(V1)(6 M) = (0.5 L)(0.1 M)
V1 = (0.5 L * 0.1 M) / 6 M
V1 ≈ 0.00833 L or 8.33 ml

Therefore, you will need approximately 8.33 ml of the 6 M HCl stock solution.

Step 2: Add the stock solution to a container.
Using a graduated pipette or a measuring cylinder, carefully measure out 8.33 ml of the 6 M HCl stock solution.

Step 3: Add water to reach the desired final volume.
Place the container on a balance and tare it to zero, then start adding water while monitoring the weight. Stop adding water when the balance reads 500 g, indicating that the solution has reached a volume of 500 ml.

Step 4: Mix the solution.
Gently swirl or stir the solution to ensure proper mixing. Be cautious, as HCl is a corrosive substance. Make sure to take necessary safety precautions such as wearing gloves and safety goggles during the process.

Step 5: Check the final concentration.
If you want to verify the final concentration of the HCl solution, you can use a pH meter or titration method with a known concentration base to confirm that it is indeed 0.1 M.

Remember to always handle corrosive substances with care and follow proper safety protocols.