What must teachers consider when striving to support children’s experience and sense of self in the early childhood classroom?

the child's emotional and physical safety

What does your text say?

This is one of five questions of a journal entry. It is referring to on socio-economic status or class. I don't understand how it relates.

I'm guessing that the we must consider that not all the children come from the same economic class and that we have to help them understand and expose them to different living statuses. Idk.

In my experience, young children don't react to differences in social class. I don't understand your assignment either. Check with your teacher.


When striving to support children's experience and sense of self in the early childhood classroom, teachers must consider several important factors:

1. Create a safe and inclusive environment: Teachers should ensure that the classroom is a safe and welcoming space for all children. This includes fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere where children feel valued and respected.

2. Understand individual needs and interests: Teachers should take the time to get to know each child as an individual. This includes understanding their unique needs, strengths, and interests. By recognizing and acknowledging each child's individuality, teachers can better support their sense of self.

3. Promote positive relationships: Building strong relationships with children is crucial in supporting their sense of self. Teachers should strive to establish trusting and respectful connections with each child, providing them with a sense of security and belonging.

4. Encourage self-expression and autonomy: Teachers should provide opportunities for children to express themselves in various ways, such as through artwork, play, or storytelling. Encouraging autonomy and decision-making can also help children develop a positive sense of self.

5. Embrace diversity and cultural sensitivity: Early childhood classrooms are diverse, and teachers should celebrate and embrace this diversity. By incorporating cultural sensitivity and providing resources that reflect different backgrounds, teachers can help children develop a positive understanding of themselves and others.

To get more specific ideas and strategies on supporting children's experience and sense of self in the early childhood classroom, teachers can consult relevant literature, attend professional development workshops, or engage in discussions with colleagues and experts in the field.