Factorise 4ab²+8ab-16a²b



To factorize the expression 4ab² + 8ab - 16a²b, we can find the common factors in each term and then factor them out.

Step 1: Look for the greatest common factor (GCF) among the coefficients of each term. In this case, the coefficients are 4, 8, and -16. The GCF among them is 4, since it is divisible evenly by all three numbers.

Step 2: Now look for the common factors in the variables. The variables in this expression are a, b, and b². The common factor among a and a² is a. The common factor among b and b² is b.

Step 3: Factor out the GCF and the common factors from each term.

4ab² + 8ab - 16a²b

= 4ab(b + 2) - 16a²b

= 4ab(b + 2 - 4a)

So, the factored form of the expression 4ab² + 8ab - 16a²b is 4ab(b + 2 - 4a).