Applying concept :calculate

As of July 2004, the population of the United States was 293,027,571.if more than half of these people live within 80 kilometers of an ocean, about how many people live within that distance?
Show your work.

(1/2) * 293,027,571 = ?

1/2 * 293,027,571/1= 293,027,571/2=146513785.5

As of july 2004, the population Was 293,027,571 if more than half of these peaple live within 80 kilometers of an ocean,about how many peaple live within that distance show your work


To calculate the number of people living within 80 kilometers of an ocean, we first need to find out how many people constitute more than half of the population of the United States.

Step 1: Find half of the population:
Half of the population is calculated by dividing the total population by 2.
Half of 293,027,571 = 293,027,571 / 2 = 146,513,785.5

Step 2: Determine how many people live within the given distance:
Since more than half of the population lives within 80 kilometers of an ocean, we can assume that the entire population of 146,513,785.5 lives within that distance.

Step 3: Round the result:
Since the population count cannot have a fractional part, we need to round down the result to the nearest whole number.
Rounding down 146,513,785.5 gives us 146,513,785.

Therefore, about 146,513,785 people live within 80 kilometers of an ocean in the United States.