Which of the following is true of skeletal muscle?

A. Contraction of skeletal muscle can alter blood flow through the heart.
B. Skeletal muscle contraction produces movements of the body.
C. Skeletal muscles pump blood throughout the body.
D. Flexion of a skeletal muscle causes limbs to move outward from the body.

My answer is C, but I'm not sure

It's not c.

Study this site.


Ms. Sue,

woyls it be B?


But it could be A also, right?

What does your text and this site say?


The control of skeletal muscle is voluntary, which means that you can control its' movement. However, the movement of blood through the body is not voluntary, which means you can not control it. So no, A can not be the answer.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down each option and analyze its accuracy.

A. Contraction of skeletal muscle can alter blood flow through the heart.
This statement is not entirely accurate. While the contraction of skeletal muscles can affect blood flow throughout the body by compressing veins and aiding in the return of blood to the heart, it does not directly alter blood flow through the heart. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

B. Skeletal muscle contraction produces movements of the body.
This statement is true. Skeletal muscles are responsible for producing voluntary movements of the body. When they contract, they generate the force necessary to move our bones, allowing us to walk, lift objects, and perform various actions. Therefore, option B is correct.

C. Skeletal muscles pump blood throughout the body.
This statement is not accurate. Skeletal muscles are not directly involved in pumping blood throughout the body. The primary responsibility for pumping blood lies with the heart, which is a specialized organ solely designed for this purpose. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

D. Flexion of a skeletal muscle causes limbs to move outward from the body.
This statement is not correct. Flexion refers to the movement that decreases the angle between two body parts, such as the bending of an elbow or knee. It does not cause limbs to move outward from the body. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

In conclusion, the correct answer is B. Skeletal muscle contraction produces movements of the body.