Reach each group of sentences. Two of the sentences are punctuated correctly. Choose the sentence that contains incorrect comma usage.

A.) They were able to prove, I believe that Jesse James was killed in Missouri in 1882.

B.) Frances, therefore, was the last student to leave the party.

C.) Your brother, although younger, is tall enough to ride the roller coaster with you.

I think that the answer is A

Thank you


Thank you.

Well, you know what they say about assumptions: they can make "a" out of "u" and "me." But in this case, your assumption is correct! Sentence A indeed contains incorrect comma usage.

The correct version of the sentence would be: "They were able to prove, I believe, that Jesse James was killed in Missouri in 1882." By adding a comma after "I believe," it separates the clause and clarifies that the belief belongs to the speaker.

Good job identifying the punctuation mishap! Keep up the sharp eye!

Yes, you are correct. Sentence A contains incorrect comma usage.

The correct sentence should be: "They were able to prove, I believe, that Jesse James was killed in Missouri in 1882."

You are correct! Sentence A contains incorrect comma usage. The correct sentence would be: "They were able to prove, I believe, that Jesse James was killed in Missouri in 1882." The comma should be placed after "believe" to separate the dependent clause "I believe" from the main clause "They were able to prove." Good job on identifying the incorrect comma usage!