In this portfolio assignment, you will choose an event from the time periods of the Gilded Age or the Progressive Era and take on a persona from the event. For example, you could choose to portray a sharecropper or tenant farmer, a participant of the Atlanta race riot, or Tom Watson running a political campaign. Consider the famous people you learned about in this unit—daring politicians, trailblazing African American business leaders, or notable suffragettes who helped create the Georgia and nation you live in today, for example. With what events were they connected? How can you use their voice to bring these events to life?

i need help?

How would you like us to help you?

i don't understand it

Choose an event from the time periods of the Gilded Age or Progressive Era.

Then choose one person who was involved in that event.

Be sure to choose an event and person that interests you.

After you've made those choices, please post again and I'll try to help you from there.

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) was the twenty-sixth president of the United States, a leader of the Republican Party and, later, the Progressive movement. He was the first president to become a truly "popular" leader by using the media to appeal directly to the American people.

Roosevelt, who became a national hero for his leadership of the "Rough Riders" regiment in the Spanish-American War, ran as William McKinley's running mate in the presidential election of 1900. When McKinley was assassinated by a crazed anarchist in 1901, the young Roosevelt suddenly became president. Unlike his conservative predecessor, Roosevelt shared many of the goals of the Progressive movement and might fairly be considered the first Progressive president. In his own time, Roosevelt was one of the most popular presidents in American history.


Which incident did you choose?

I don't think your teacher intended you to copy your information. That's plagiarism.

No, im not copying im saying can i just Theodore Roosevelt

Why are you ignoring my question?

What event did you choose?

im not ignoring your question?

Sure, I can help you with that. To choose an event from the Gilded Age or the Progressive Era and take on a persona from the event, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the Gilded Age and Progress Era: Start by gathering information about the time periods of the Gilded Age (approximately 1870-1900) and the Progressive Era (approximately 1890-1920). Understand the key events, social issues, and famous personalities during these times.

2. Identify notable people: Look for famous personalities from Georgia during this period who are connected to significant events or social issues. These could include politicians, business leaders, activists, or suffragettes. For example, you could choose to portray Booker T. Washington, a prominent African American leader who influenced education and civil rights during the Gilded Age.

3. Choose an event: Once you have identified a notable person, select an event that they were connected to. It could be an event they participated in, something they advocated for, or a social issue they were involved in. For example, if you choose Booker T. Washington, you could focus on his famous speech at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta in 1895.

4. Understand the event: Research and gather information about the chosen event. Learn about the context, significance, and impact of the event. Consider the perspectives of different individuals involved in the event and the broader social and historical context.

5. Assume the persona: To bring the event to life, imagine yourself as the chosen person and assume their persona. Understand their background, beliefs, motivations, and goals. Try to think and speak from their point of view while discussing the event. Consider their values, challenges, and impact on society.

6. Tell the story: Use the persona to narrate the story of the event. Write from their perspective, paying attention to their language, style, and emotions. Be sure to include details about the event, its impact, and how it connects to the broader historical context. Consider using primary sources, such as letters or speeches, as references for your portrayal.

Remember, this portfolio assignment is an opportunity to showcase your understanding of historical events and the perspectives of the people involved. By assuming a persona and bringing the event to life, you can provide a unique and insightful take on the chosen time period. Good luck!