EVALUATE the following expressions

A + S <> (D + K) * 4
=7 + 5 <> (12 + 3) * 4

To evaluate the given expressions:

1. Start by simplifying the expressions within parentheses, following the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS). In this case, (D + K) * 4 needs to be evaluated first.
- Let's assume D = 12 and K = 3 since they are not given in the question.
- Substitute the values of D and K into the expression: (12 + 3) * 4 = 15 * 4 = 60.

2. Now, substitute the evaluated value back into the original expression: A + S <> 60.
- Since A is not given in the question, we cannot evaluate it.
- Similarly, the value of S is also not provided, so we cannot evaluate it either.
- Therefore, the expression remains as A + S <> 60.

Please note that without the values of A and S, we cannot provide a final numerical evaluation for the expression A + S <> (D + K) * 4.