Jim shoots an arrow into the air. The height of the arrow in feet, t seconds after shooting, is shown by the function below.


What is the domain of the function and what does it represent?

h = t (64-16 t)

h is zero, ground, when t = 0 and when t = 4

t may not be -
t may not be greater than 4 unless the arrow drops into a mine shaft
so I would say
0</= t </= 4

thank you

You are welcome.

To find the domain of a function, we need to determine the set of all possible values for the independent variable, in this case, 't'.

For the given function, h(t) = 64t - 16t^2, there are no explicit restrictions provided. However, we need to consider if there are any implicit restrictions on the domain.

Since time 't' can't be negative (as it represents seconds after shooting), we can conclude that the domain of the function is all non-negative real numbers, i.e., t ≥ 0.

The domain of the function h(t) = 64t - 16t^2 is t ≥ 0, meaning 't' must be greater than or equal to zero.

In terms of what it represents, the function h(t) represents the height of the arrow, in feet, above the ground at a given time 't' seconds after it was shot.