what qualities are valued in south korea

Put ur question (what qualities are valued in south korea) in gogle search and click second link(not letting me put link! srry) its name is South Korea - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette ... Good luck!

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In South Korea, there are several qualities that are highly valued in individuals. These qualities reflect the cultural norms and expectations in the country. Here are a few of them:

1. Hard work and Perseverance: South Koreans place a strong emphasis on hard work and perseverance. Diligence, discipline, and a strong work ethic are highly regarded qualities.

2. Respect for Elders: Respect for elders is deeply ingrained in South Korean culture. It is expected to show deference and obedience to older individuals, including parents, teachers, and authority figures.

3. Confucian Values: South Korea has long been influenced by Confucianism, which emphasizes loyalty, filial piety, and the importance of relationships. Respect for hierarchy, harmony, and maintaining social order are considered important.

4. Academic Achievement: Education is highly valued in South Korea, and academic achievement is highly prized. High scores in exams and obtaining prestigious degrees are seen as important indicators of success.

5. Collectivism: South Korea is known for its collectivist culture, which places importance on the collective well-being and success of the group over individual needs and ambitions.

6. Humility and Modesty: Being humble and showing modesty are considered positive traits in South Korea. Boasting or showing off is often frowned upon.

It is important to note that these qualities may vary among individuals and across different social groups in South Korea. Additionally, values and priorities can evolve over time due to various factors such as globalization and generational shifts.