Bobby has been driving at a constant speed for the last 30 minutes. If Bobby is traveling at a speed of 70 miles per hour, which equation best represents the relationship between time in hours(c) and distance in miles (d).

A. d = 70t
B. t = 70d
C. d = t + 70
D. t = d + 70

Please help me understand.

Soo um.......

What’s the answer?...

Someone please help me 🤦🏻‍♀️😂......


Is there a typo? There's no "c" in any of your choices.

Please ask your teacher about it.

I can assume that the time should be t, but I'd want your teacher to verify it.

im sick at home so i can't ask her

now that we know its a typo can we just try and solve it?

To find the equation that represents the relationship between time and distance, we need to determine the correct formula based on the given information.

We know that Bobby has been driving at a constant speed of 70 miles per hour for the last 30 minutes. We want to find the relationship between time in hours (c) and distance in miles (d).

First, let's convert 30 minutes into hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we divide 30 by 60:

30 minutes / 60 = 0.5 hour

Now we have the time in hours, which is 0.5 hour.

Based on the information that Bobby is traveling at a constant speed of 70 miles per hour, the equation that relates time (t) and distance (d) is:

d = 70t

Since t represents time in hours, we can substitute 0.5 for t in the equation:

d = 70(0.5)

Simplifying the equation:

d = 35

So the distance (d) that Bobby has traveled in the last 30 minutes is 35 miles.

Therefore, the equation that best represents the relationship between time in hours (c) and distance in miles (d) is:

A. d = 70t

i know. That is how the problem was written