I am doing an essay on Empathy and the enemies of empathy. While I have mentioned, ethnocentrism and racism along with sexism as enemies and given examples. I would like to include classism but need a current example for classism. Thanks



The caste system in India and other places, as well as apartheid in South Africa, were extreme instances of classism. Both are now outlawed, but these things are culturally embedded and take a long time to "straighten out."

You can find classism within the US if you consider socio-economic levels.

Other teachers may have further ideas for you.

This is interesting, too:


To find a current example of classism, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the nature of classism: Classism is a form of discrimination or prejudice based on someone's social or economic class. It occurs when individuals or groups are treated differently, privileged, or disadvantaged based on their economic status.

2. Research recent examples: Look for instances where people or groups have been treated unfairly due to their social or economic class. Consider news sources, social media platforms, or personal anecdotes that highlight inequalities or discriminatory practices related to class.

3. Analyze different areas of society: Think about various domains (e.g., education, healthcare, housing, employment) where classism might be prevalent. Focus on recent events or policies that have contributed to unfair treatment or disadvantages for certain classes.

4. Consider systemic issues: Classism is often perpetuated by social and economic structures that disproportionately favor or disadvantage certain classes. Analyze policies, laws, or reforms that may perpetuate or combat these systemic issues.

5. Find supporting evidence: Once you have identified a current example of classism, gather relevant evidence that supports your claim. This evidence can include personal accounts, research studies, statistics, or statements by experts or authorities on the subject.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a current example of classism that you can include in your essay on empathy and its enemies.