Thr number cube shown is rolled and the spinner shown is spun. Find P(an odd number and yellow).

The cube shows the numbers 1,5,3. The color on the top left square is yellow, the bottom left squares color is blue, the color on the top right square is green, the bottom right square is yellow. There are four colors and the spinner is on the green color.

Is the answer C?
Thank you

When you posted this earlier , to said it made no sense.

I think you made some changes near the end and are now saying that the spinner is on green.
But you want P(odd and yellow)
so prob = 0

Always check your typing before submitting to make sure it makes sense and has no errors.

Thats why I fixed it but there si not option it being 0.

Precisely my point.

Since you stated that the spinner was on green, it can't be on yellow, and prob(odd and yellow) = 0

So your question is bogus

The answer was A.

shose cookie at random

flipping a coin and rolling a cube

if you are on lesson 2 indpendant dependent events, if you are wondering why im doing it in may its cause my math teacher added this unit 4 lessons back in

To find the probability of rolling an odd number (1, 3, or 5) and landing on the color yellow, we need to consider two events happening together: rolling an odd number on the number cube and landing on the yellow color on the spinner.

First, let's look at the possible outcomes for the cube roll: 1, 5, 3.
Since there are three odd numbers and a total of six possible outcomes, the probability of rolling an odd number is 3/6, which simplifies to 1/2.

Next, we need to consider the spinner. We are given that the spinner is on the green color among four possible colors. So the probability of landing on any specific color, in this case, green, is 1/4.

To find the probability of both events happening together, we multiply the probabilities of the individual events: (1/2) x (1/4) = 1/8.

Therefore, the probability of rolling an odd number and landing on yellow is 1/8.

The answer choices provided are not clear. Based on the calculated probability, the correct answer should be none of the options listed.