Tin melts at 232 under standard atmospheric pressure. Express this temperature in kelvin

273.15°K is 0°C. Go from there to 232°C and its where tin melts.

Conversion from °C to °K
°K = °C + 273.15

To express the melting point of tin in kelvin, you can use the conversion formula:

Temperature in Kelvin = Temperature in Celsius + 273.15

Given that the melting point of tin is 232 degrees Celsius, we can convert it to kelvin as follows:

Temperature in Kelvin = 232 + 273.15

Temperature in Kelvin = 505.15 K

Therefore, the melting point of tin is 505.15 Kelvin.

To express a temperature in Kelvin (K), you need to add 273 to the temperature in degrees Celsius (°C). Since we know that tin melts at 232 °C, we can convert it to Kelvin as follows:

Tin's melting temperature in Kelvin = 232 °C + 273

Calculating this, we get:

Tin's melting temperature in Kelvin = 505 K

Therefore, tin's melting temperature under standard atmospheric pressure is 505 Kelvin.