a recipe requires flour and sugar in a 3:1 ratio. if the flour required is 2 3/4 cup, how much sugar is required?

show work please.

Oh, I'm sorry. I assumed you knew how to use a proportion.

3/1 = 2.75/x

3x = 2.75

x = 0.92 = 23/25 cup sugar

Let's use a proportion.

3/1 = 2.75/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

what is the answer and can you show the work please

To find out how much sugar is required, you need to calculate 1/4th of the amount of flour. Since the ratio of flour to sugar is 3:1, we can conclude that for every 3 parts of flour, there is 1 part of sugar.

Step 1:
Divide the given amount of flour, 2 3/4 cups, into whole and fractional parts.
2 cups + 3/4 cup

Step 2:
Convert the 3/4 cup to an improper fraction.
3/4 can be expressed as 3 * 1/4, which is equal to 3/4.

Step 3:
Convert the whole number into fraction form with the same denominator.
2 cups can be expressed as 2 * 4/4, which is equal to 8/4.

Step 4:
Add the fractional parts together.
8/4 + 3/4 = 11/4

Step 5:
Multiply the fraction by the ratio to find the amount of sugar required.
11/4 * 1/3 = (11 * 1) / (4 * 3) = 11/12

Therefore, the amount of sugar required is 11/12 cup.