What are some examples of school problems that student council can fix?

Like unhealthy cafeteria food and too much homework.

The Student Council can try to fix


Many Student Councils put on parties and raise money for worthy causes outside of school.

Our small middle school used to spend a day in the fall raking leaves for senior citizens.

I think student councils can work significantly on

Peer counseling program development
a reporting system for dangerous behaviours (guns, knives, suicide, etc)

The student council can address a variety of school problems to improve the overall school experience for students. Here are some examples of school problems that student councils can help to fix:

1. Unhealthy cafeteria food: Student council members can collaborate with the cafeteria staff to provide healthier and more nutritious food options for students. They can conduct surveys or gather feedback from students to identify their preferences and dietary needs, and then work with the administration to bring about positive changes in the school cafeteria menu.

2. Excessive homework: Student council members can communicate the concerns of students regarding excessive homework to the school administration. They can organize meetings between students, teachers, and administrators to discuss ways to strike a better balance between academics and personal life. Through open dialogue and negotiation, they can advocate for the implementation of homework policies that are fair and promote a healthy work-life balance.

3. Lack of extracurricular activities: If students feel there are not enough extracurricular activities available, the student council can research and propose new ideas for clubs, sports teams, or other activities that cater to a wide range of interests. By presenting these proposals to the school administration, the student council can work towards expanding the options available to students and enhancing their overall school experience.

4. Insufficient school resources: Student council members can identify areas where the school lacks resources, such as outdated textbooks, limited access to technology, or inadequate supplies. They can then collaborate with the administration to create a plan for fundraising or initiating discussions about procuring grants or sponsorships to address these resource gaps.

5. Bullying or other social issues: The student council can play a crucial role in addressing social issues like bullying. They can organize awareness campaigns, workshops, or assemblies to educate students about the impact of bullying and promote a positive and inclusive school culture. Additionally, they can work closely with teachers and administrators to implement anti-bullying policies and procedures and provide support for students who face such issues.

To address these school problems and others effectively, student council members should focus on building strong communication and negotiation skills. It's crucial for them to gather feedback from their peers, conduct surveys or polls to evaluate the broader student body's opinions, and work collaboratively with teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders to implement positive changes.