Stewart is playing a video game. He earns the same number of points for each prize he captures. He earned 1,200 points for 6 prizes, 2,000 points for 10 prizes, and 2,600 points for 13 prizes. Which is the dependent variable in this situation?

A)the number of prizes captured
B)the number of points earned
C)the number of hours
D)the number of prizes available

points depend on the number of prizes


the number of points captured

The dependent variable in this situation refers to the variable that changes or varies depending on the independent variable. To determine the dependent variable, we need to identify which variable is being affected or influenced by another variable.

In this case, we have two variables: the number of prizes captured and the number of points earned. The question states that Stewart earns points for each prize he captures. Therefore, the number of points earned depends on the number of prizes captured.

Hence, the dependent variable in this situation is B) the number of points earned.