17. Ethnographic research is aimed at understanding 
A. the development of cohorts.
B. relationships between early experiences and later behavior. C. children’s mastery of a new skill.
D. the cultural meanings of behavior.

is it B? i have red the book can't find the answer

I don't think it's B.

Study this site about ethnographic research.


The correct answer is D. Ethnographic research is a qualitative research method that involves the study and analysis of human cultures and societies. It aims to understand the cultural meanings, practices, and behaviors of a particular group or community. Ethnographic researchers often spend a substantial amount of time with the community they are studying, observing and participating in their daily activities. This close and immersive engagement allows researchers to gain a deep understanding of the cultural context, beliefs, and values that shape people's behavior. Therefore, the main focus of ethnographic research is on uncovering the cultural meanings of behavior rather than the relationships between early experiences and later behavior or children's mastery of a new skill.