A person needing help in planning a retirement program, setting aside educational funds, and deciding where and how much to invest could go to a:

A. financial product company.
B. financial planning firm.
C. bank.
D. All of the above organizations provide these services.


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All of the above organizations provide these services.

To get help in planning a retirement program, setting aside educational funds, and deciding where and how much to invest, a person can go to a financial product company, a financial planning firm, or a bank.

Here is how each of these organizations can provide assistance:

1. Financial product company:
A financial product company specializes in providing various investment products such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and insurance policies. They can offer guidance on investment options and help individuals build a retirement program and allocate funds for education.

2. Financial planning firm:
A financial planning firm offers comprehensive financial planning services, including retirement planning, investment management, and education planning. They can assess an individual's financial situation, help set specific goals, create a customized plan, and provide ongoing guidance and support.

3. Bank:
Many banks offer financial advisory services, where customers can consult with professionals who can provide guidance on retirement planning, educational savings, and investment strategies. Banks may also offer specialized savings and investment accounts to help individuals reach their financial goals.

Ultimately, the choice of which organization to go to will depend on an individual's specific needs and preferences. It's advisable to conduct research and compare the services, expertise, and fees associated with each option before making a decision.