The length of a classroom is 34 ft. What is this measurement in yards and feet?

3 feet = 1 yard

34 / 3 = 11 yards, 1 foot

Charlie puppy Max weigh 8 lbs, how many ounces does Max weight

1 pound = 16 ounces

A standard coffee mug has a capacity of 16 fluid ounces. If Annie needs to fill 26 mugs with coffee, how many total quarts of coffee does she need?

1 mug= 16ounces

26mugs x 16 ounces each = 416 total ounces
32 ounces in 1 quart
416/32 = 13 quarts of coffee needed to fill 26 mugs



the lenght of a classroom is 34 feet what is this measurement in yards and feet

The length of a classroom is 34 feet what is this monument in yards and feet


i need help