The price of a movie ticket is half the normal price on Tuesday. If the normal price is $8.50, how much would 4 tickets cost on Tuesday?

We have to make it so you're multiplying fractions, not some other way. I really don't get it.!

8 1/2 * 1/2 * 4/1 = ?

Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Mrs.Sue!!!!!! x) :D x) :D :D


You are very welcome, Zoe.

To determine the cost of 4 movie tickets on Tuesday, we can start by finding the price of a movie ticket on Tuesday.

Given that the normal price is $8.50, on Tuesday the movie ticket costs half the normal price. To calculate this, we multiply the normal price by 1/2 or divide it by 2:

$8.50 * (1/2) = $4.25

So, the price of a movie ticket on Tuesday is $4.25.

Now, to find out how much 4 tickets would cost on Tuesday, we need to multiply the price of a single ticket by the number of tickets:

$4.25 * 4 = $<<4.25*4=17>>17.00

Therefore, 4 movie tickets on Tuesday would cost $17.00.