Karen collects local and foreign coins. 1/4 of her coins. 2/9 of the foreign are Austalia coins. What fraction of the coins are non-Australia foreign coins?

Want to fill in the missing words?

Solve simultaneously for x and y x+y=2 and 3x^2+4xy+y^2=6

c'mon. just sub in

3x^2 + 4x(2-x) + (2-x)^2 = 6

Now just collect stuff and solve the quadratic equation.


To find the fraction of the coins that are non-Australia foreign coins, we need to subtract the fraction of Australia coins from the whole fraction of foreign coins.

Let's start by finding the fraction of foreign coins in Karen's collection. We know that 1/4 of her coins are foreign coins. So, if we let x be the total number of coins Karen has, then the number of foreign coins is 1/4 * x.

Next, we need to find the fraction of the foreign coins that are Australia coins. We are told that 2/9 of the foreign coins are Australia coins. So, the number of Australia coins is 2/9 * (1/4 * x), which simplifies to (2/36) * x.

To find the fraction of coins that are non-Australia foreign coins, we need to subtract the fraction of Australia coins from the fraction of foreign coins:

Fraction of non-Australia foreign coins = Fraction of foreign coins - Fraction of Australia coins
= 1/4 - (2/36)
= 9/36 - 2/36
= 7/36

Therefore, the fraction of the coins that are non-Australia foreign coins is 7/36.